Deleting unused

There are three way of deleting assets; Deleting individual assets, deleting folders and deleting All

Delete Asset

Select an unused asset and press the delete button.

Delete folder

Select a folder with unused assets inside and press the delete button. That will delete all unused assets in that entire hierarchy.

Delete ALL

You always have access to the purple button in the top row which will delete ALL unused assets in the entire project. You should inspect the unused asset list a bit before blindly pressing this, and there might be asset for some editor tool etc. that does not show up as being unused in the build, but that doesn’t mean its unused in the editor.

Delete or backup

When pressing the delete button, you will be prompted if you simply want to delete, or if you want to create a backup first. Choosing ‘Backup’ will create a unitypackage for you to save somewhere so you are certain not to lose valuable assets. It’s a bit slower, but recommended.

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