Dependency Graph

In version 2.0.0 a Dependency Graph has been added to the Asset Hunter PRO suite. It can be opened from the main AHP window, by pressing Ctrl + Shift + H, or by selecting Window -> Heureka -> Asset Hunter PRO -> Dependency Graph. The dependency graph allows you to select an asset in the Project Window and see any dependencies to and from it. This info is also highlighted by icons in the Project Window in order to gain an overview. This means that it will be much easier for you to track down why a given asset is added to a build.

Building the dependency graph

First time the window is opened you need to build a new dependency graph. By pressing the button AHP will analyze the project and allow you to inspect dependencies.

When the graph has been built, and you have selected an asset you will be presented with the following view:

  1. A button that selects the current target in Project Window - Also a preview window to easily identify the target.

  2. A lock button that will lock the target regardless of what is selected in the Project Window

  3. Previous and Next buttons that allows you to navigate selection history

  4. A list of the assets that depends on the currently selected target

  5. A list of the assets that the currently selected target depends on

  6. This button rebuilds the Dependency Graph

  7. Two toggles that allows you to see directly in Project View which assets has dependencies to and from other assets.

If you double click an asset in the list, that asset will become the new selected target.

Icons in the Project Window

When the Dependency Graph window is open, icons are added on the right hand side to give an overview of the dependency status of any given asset.

Last updated