Ignoring assets

There are many reasons why you may want to ignore certain assets or folders from the analysis performed by Asset Hunter PRO, and this section allows you to do just that. You simply need to select something in the project view (or treeview) and Asset Hunter will give you option on how to exclude the selection.

Ignore folder endings

If you have selected a folder, you will be allowed to ignore the name of the folder, meaning that if you have selected a folder called ‘Assets/Materials/Backup’ and you choose to ignore that folder ending, ALL folders called ‘Backup’ will be ignored when searching for unused assets.

Ignore type

These are the asset types that can be ignores i.e. if you don’t want your shaders to be shown as unused.

Ignore folder

This is when you have a particular folder (and its content) you want to ignore

Ignore file

Specific files you want to ignore

Ignore file extension

Certain file extension you want to ignore i.e. if you don’t want Asset Hunter PRO to list your Photoshop *.psd files.  

Currently ignored

Based on your current selection, you will be shown a list of ignored elements. Some are ignored by default by Asset Hunter such as the resources and editor folder, but others can be manually put on the list. You are able to remove the ignored element by pressing the ‘Un-Ignore’ button.

Last updated