Tweaking the results

The algorithm have pre-set to give the best results, but There are several easy means of tweaking the results if you need to.

Tweaking Results: Tags

You can simply toggle on/off the autogenerated tags. As seen below 2 of the 6 tags are turned off (red) but if you want to further limit the results to i.e. only find 'Warships' simply turn off all other tags. When a tag is red, it means its not included as a parameter in the search algorithm

Tweaking Results: Algorithm

You can also more fundamentally tweak the results by changing the way the search algorithm works. In settings, locate 'Similarity Comparison Metrics' - which contains 4 toggles. Changing these will modify how the algorithm finds relevant assets.

  • Directory: Score based on folder structure (Same folder means full score)

  • Filename: How similar are the filenames i.e. 'pirateship' vs 'pirateboat'

  • Labels: This calculates score based on any labels assigned in the Unity editor.

  • Tags: This calculates score based on how many autogenerated tags are shared

You can also finetune the results by tweaking the `Weight` and `Requirement` parameter for each metric. `Requirement` relates to the minimum amount of metric 'equality' is required, while `Weight` says something about how important the particular metric is for the results

Last updated